Friday, November 21, 2008

My plan to be successful in this Humanities online classe

1. Have a good attitude. A positive, joyful attitude is perhaps the greatest tool in my tool chest! I do not like studying history. I have to take this class to earn my AA degree and to go on to my BA degree at UCF. I would have avoided all these types of courses if it was at all possible. This course was the best of the choices I had. OK, my feelings really don’t matter! The most important thing I can do is to change my attitude toward the subject matter and adopt a good attitude toward it, purposing to enjoy it, to get all I can from it and to do my best. Without this attitude adjustment, the only hope I have is dropping the course and being stuck until I got over myself!!! That is simply not an option. There are three important things a good attitude will afford me:

a. A good report with my instructor and my classmates. This is a vital ingredient to developing an enjoyable experience. You have to be available to enjoy it or you lose out on the benefits possible from these interactions. No one wants to be around someone with a bad attitude. Being others centered instead of self centered is the most meaningful skill in this section. Offering support and being interested in others is what makes a team player. One who is available to work with others with a positive outcome in mind brings an element of joy to the work place.

b. An open mind to the material presented. With a positive open mind, I can be available to learning about the past, the history of mankind, and gaining an understanding of many details which offer insight into where we might be heading and why. I can address questions about our values, our norms, our practices and the attitudes of human kind toward each other and our world. What can this course offer me and how can I learn the most valuable lessons it opens up to me? Many questions can be formed in the mind that might cause reevaluation of what exists now and how we can make a good future full of hope and richness. An open mind lets in the knowledge, which can change the world!

c. A new inquisitiveness that would not exist if I allowed my past feelings to control how I enter into this class and how I move through it. If inquisitiveness, curiosity, attending to the work and learning what is presented is cultivated, the results are far superior to one who just plans to get through it because it is devalued and disliked in their mind for whatever reasons. Old beliefs and habits that don’t serve me must be eliminated and replaced with one’s that do. At this time in my life, some measure of maturity affords me to take a second look at this subject and leave my distaste and avoidance of it behind. It allows me to have a chat with my inner child and come to a decision that is going to afford me to grow in understanding of myself, others and my world. Hurrah!

2. Show up. Be present to the class, attend to the work, do the best you can, participate. There are always pleasant surprises if you make yourself available. Also, you will know what is going on!

3. Do the work on time and to the best of your ability. Teachers appreciate students who give a good effort. They appreciate a student who shows interest, even if the subject isn’t your first love! People like to help others who are genuinely trying and seeking to learn.

4. Plan for the A. Develop study skills, explore them and find out which ones work for you. Practice them and get really good at them. Each of us has our own unique way of learning. Find yours! How do you learn best? How can you broaden your learning assets? How many ways can you take in information and how many different styles can you adapt to?
Also, develop interpersonal skills and life skills. If you don’t know what they are, find out. Pay attention to the soft skills because your future depends on your ability to be a team player, a mutual partner and a positive part of all you do. No one wants to be with a "wet blanket" or a hostile, moody or temperamental co-worker or partner. Be available by practicing the skills that make life meaning full, fun and productive.

If you don’t know what these soft skills are, take the course offered at BCC called Success Strategies for Life and College. It is indeed an amazing course. Another course that I found extremely helpful in this area was a Psychology course called "Human Development". It is loaded with concise information on interpersonal and life skills and has many success strategies. Both of these courses have left me with resources to continue to improve my soft skills. And, if you are bold, a speech class or Toastmaster’s International (to develop speaking skills) will greatly enhance your confidence and skills in the workplace.

5. Follow the syllabus, outline of the course or other information about the course and plan your time using time management skills. Starting early rather than later is always a great choice. Discover what time management skills are and how to use them. It will change the way you live. Always ask for help well in advance of due dates! Giving yourself time allows you to give more time to do the tasks, enables you to do a better job on the assignments and allows you to get help early if necessary. Planning for success is great for the self worth and the confidence levels of anyone who chooses to do the extra work it entails.

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