Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Site is Born!

About 2 hours later, here I am with a somewhat completed blog site. It looks pretty good to me. I hope this counts as a web page. It was the only one I could find on google.com. Anyone with more info, please feel free to post a comment. I will now be on the lookout for photos, web sites and other things that will contribute to what we are doing in our humanities class. This is a definate learning experience and I am open and completely teachable on how to grow, develop and mature this site for our class. Now if you get here, a great event has taken place: I figured out how to put the address to this site on our class discussion board! What a blast from the past!!!

Humanities and the web page!

Here we are at BCC, in the final semester, attempting to create a web page for Humanities: Ancient through Byzantine on-line class! After about a half an hour of trying to figure out where to begin, I guessed at using this blog page. So, setting up the site with this might work. I am hoping so. When I have discovered if this will do for the class assignment, I will post other things of relevance to this Humanities course blog page.